Begin with soup and continue with a seminar on "Theology That Matters" by Christopher M. Hays
In an age when the Christian academy can boast more scholars and resources than ever in history, the work produced by theologians focuses on increasingly trivial topics. That notwithstanding, the needs of the world and the scope of the Christian church are greater than history has ever witnessed. These Lenten Lectures, therefore, ask how to do theology that matters, for the Church and the world.
Proceeding from the premise that the task of theology is to know ever more of the infinite God, and to help the Church serve Jesus more faithfully in a changing world, these Lenten lectures explore how we can discover more about the Lord by listening to the witness of the sciences, and the experience of the marginalized voices of God's people.
Christopher M. Hays has served as President of Scholar Leaders since 2022 after working as a missionary and professor of New Testament at the Biblical Seminary of Colombia in Medellín. A biblical scholar committed to the transformation of theological knowledge into missional practice, he has worked in projects ranging from authoring scholarly volumes to establishing church-based ministries to victims of forced migration. He holds degrees from Wheaton and Oxford. His most recent book in English is Eight Million Exiles. He and his wife Michelle have three children and live in North Carolina.